Tuesday, January 10, 2017

i have been in the thick of it off late.
the thick my emotions, the thick of my friends coming to my for advice, jobs.

i have always wondered, who would i have become had things gone according to plan on that fate day some 18 years ago. would i still be this same person? would i even know the people i know now?

i wonder why we have these lingering thoughts in our head. i mean, it is fate. this is what it is meant to be. why can't we just accept it and move on?

as i look back on all the chain reactions that lead to where and who i am today, i can't help but smile. the little mischief's, the goof-ups and the happy moments.

this is me. this is now. the future awaits. 
Writing a blog after many years.

"the turns that life takes !!! it seems that life is perfect,
it seems that life is fine! when you think that nothing could go wrong,
life brings you to a crossroad with no marking, no signs,
you stand confused.. you wonder which road to take.
you friends seem distant.. your brothers no longer part of your family.
all alone you stand at this junction, wondering which road to take.
life throws you a curveball.. things that did not exist a day back..
suddenly became a integral part of your life."

people say friends are important in life. yes, perhaps they are. but only as a distraction from your regular mundane activities. 

the definition of friends has now changed. it's gone from being someone who's your confidant and someone who's there for you to someone who you interact on facebook or social media and are now considered "fair weather friends".